Cihat KISA

Cihat KISA

Co-founded Jengal, which produced brands such as Ixiry and Dopinger. Working with an awesome team of people who create solutions to help businesses and people worldwide.

What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? & How Does It Work?

What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? & How Does It Work?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a system that enables machines to perform human-like tasks, learn from experience and adapt to new inputs. However, even after this definition, you might still ask yourself, what is artificial intelligence? AI technology is basically aimed at developing and contributi...

How to Become a Web Developer 

How to Become a Web Developer 

Web development takes place at the center of digital innovation and technology in today's world, where everything goes together. Web developers are the creators of every website and every application and are the ones who take the steps to turn the plans in mind into reality. It is not important whet...

What Is System Software?

What Is System Software?

Even in the early days of computer software, system software was challenging to comprehend and design. Since then, we have discovered several types of system software that assist us in completing our tasks and help our computers to work efficiently. That's why, even though it's complicated to unders...

What Is SaaS Software?

What Is SaaS Software?

If you are somewhat involved with the digital world, you must have heard of SaaS software by now. In today's article, we will expose the main characteristics of what is already labeled as the technology of tomorrow. It's indeed an asset that has revolutionized the way we used to conceive the concept...